A view of Dubrovnik town centre and Fort Lovrijenac, 16th-century seaside fortress, from the Old Town City Wall

I loved Dubrovnik and it’s beautiful ‘Old Town’ area - a preserved, medieval city surrounded by huge stone walls. This shot of Fort Lovrijenac, a 16th-century seaside fortress in which lot of Game of Thrones seems to have been shot, and the surrounding area are located just outside of Old Town.

On our first visit to Old Town I lose track of my credit card so head back to the apartment to appease my anxiety (I left it on the kitchen counter). I expect my friends to check out Old Town during my absence. Instead I find them sitting in a touristy cafe, just off of the right edge of frame of this shot, thinking Old Town wasn’t very impressive.

A shot of a a busy street in Dubrovnik's Old Town with Srđ mountain in the background

I feel that this photo captures the overall environment of Old Town well.

I particularly like the level of long-distance depth going on in this image - seeing into the medieval streets of Old Town all the way up to the top of Srđ mountain and Fort Imperial, a museum and viewpoint overlooking the capital.

A blurred image of the three of us taken whilst walking along Dubrovnik's City Walls

This photo had lots of potential… This was the result of handing my camera to the first unsuspecting tourist carrying an D-SLR.

I severly regret not taking a shot overlooking Old Town from this vantage point.

A view overlooking Old Town in Dubrovnik and of Lokrum Island and the Adriatic Sea in the distance

The only reasonable photo I took capturing a view over Old Town, it’s colourful rooftops and Lokrum Island in the distance.

A shot of Lokrum Island from Old Town in Dubrovnik taken at dusk

Lokrum Island.

It didn’t cross my mind to try to visit Lokrum as we were only in Dubrovnik for a couple of days. However the island’s monastery, botanical garden and Fort Royal Castle all look very cool.

This photo was taken whilst we were at Buza (a.k.a “hole-in-the-wall”), a bar right next to the sea which cannot be accessed other than by water or through a hole in Old Town’s city walls.