Passengers boarding a plane at London Luton Airport

Boarding flight 2204 to Budapest at London Luton Airport.

Ben looks like a rockstar.

Colourful, cylindrical lighting tubes hang from wires

Colourful, cylindrical lighting tubes contributed to the underground feel and decoration of Rácskert, a streetfood popup we frequented to ‘refuel’.

Three guys posing in front of a streetfood popup space


Landscape of Zugliget Hill from Castle Town in Budapest

Castle Town’s view of the hills surrounding Budapest. I think this is part of Zugliget Hill.

Row of flags blowing in the wind against a mostly overcast sky

Hungarian national flags in Castle Town.

A pathway on the outskirts of Castle Town leading downhill and away from the Buda Castle

Leading down and away from Buda Castle

Budapest's Liberty Statue silhuoetted against the sky

Budapest’s Liberty Statue was a hotspot for tourist selfie’s. Unfortunately lighting conditions, at least while we were there, didn’t make this ideal.

A shot overlooking the Buda River dividing Budapest's two halves of the city, Buda and Pest

I like this shot’s composition and view (of course). However, the grain in the clouds shouldn’t be as prominent as it is…

As can be said for most of the photos in this album, I think either I underrated the speed of the stock or the light metre on my 50 year old camera is slightly out.

The Children's Railway train arriving at the station

‘Intentionally’ focused (or perhaps just out) on the fence at the bottom of frame as the children’s railway train arrives. Despite the technical issues, I quite like how this came out.

The historic Elizabeth Lookout Tower, in Budapest, framed on the right and left by trees

The Elizabeth Lookout Tower on János Hill.

I waited for the best opportunity to get a good photo of the tower. As a result I ended up taking what I could as we were about to leave.

A shot looking up at interior coutyard walls covered in bullet holes

The wall of our aparment block’s interior courtyard, covered with bullet holes from the war.

I’m not sure whether it was left like this intentionally, as a form remembering and respecting the cultural significance, or if refurbishments had simplty never been made. Possibly a combination of both… Whatever the case it left a lasting impression whenever we left or arrived at the apartment we were staying at.

A grande staircase with gold plated walls and decor in the Hungarian Parliament Building

The staircase of the main hall in the Hungarian Parliament Building.

Just behind us was the central Domed Hall of the Parliament Building where photography was stricly not allowed and the Holy Crown of Hungary and other crown jewels were on display. This hall had models of all the previous monarchs of Hungary decorating the base of the domed ceiling. I felt a little bit like I was in Lord of the Rings.

Shot of the empty debating chamber in the Hungarian Parliament Building

Where the politicians of the Hungarian Parliament Building ‘get busy’.

Chapen beneath a stained glass window with religous imagery and candles decorating the walls in St. Stephen's Basilica

My one photo from inside St. Stephen’s Basilica. I don’t know whether this was all the light I had or if I was trying to compensate and retain detail in the window.

Light from the main street illumates the pathway connecting it to an unseen courtyard

Taken shortly before catching our flight back to the UK. I particularly like the backlighting on the bricks complemented by the out of focus, overexposed background.

We had our last coffee and breakfast in Budapest at Fekete, a cafe in a closed courtyard on the opposite side of this dimly lit pathway.