A photo taken near dusk on the first night of Bestival as festival goers are still arriving and setting up

Rarely are British festivals this perfect. This was taken at the very start of the festival as it was just getting started. Attendees are still arriving and setting up tents. It’s starting to get dark and the hubbub of festival is almost tangible in the background.

Crowds making their way along the flagged paths towards the Bestival's main stages and arena

Heading towards the arena and stages. I don’t know if I know anybody in this photo.

A photo of a foggy morning at Bestival, taken next to one of the many overnight food stalls

I was working at Bestival as an Oxfam steward (highly recommended by the way) and had been assigned a graveyard shift, 12am - 6am on the Saturday night. It was around 2am that we heard the first reports of people looting tents and, if I recall correctly, one tent being set on fire.

From 2am onwards we patroled the campsites in our area. If we saw anything suspicious we were to call security over the radios. Seeing security personnel appear on the horizon and running towards us moments after we spotted someone moving from tent to tent was quite exciting. We weren’t able to track down the individual but it certainly made the night more interesting.

Between 4am and 5am the sun started to come up and our graveyard shift came to an end.