Five friends stand in a row

Just after the tents were set up.

Wide shot of a seating area inside the cafe

The soft backlighting on the leather gives the furniture a unique look.

Four friends, whose facial features are barely visible backlit by the windows of the coffee shop

A shot inside the coffee shop that in my mind resembles exactly what it’s like in many coffee shops in Amsterdam.

Portrait shot of one of the lanes in Amsterdam city centre

One of the instantly recognizable lanes in Amsterdam city centre with token head shop on the right hand side.

A photo of a canal in Amaterdam stretching into the distance

I don’t know whether positioning the point of infinity was an artistic creative decision or whether I was compensating for a lens that was too tight.

A photo of street, adjacent to a canal, stretching into the distance

A more conventionally composed shot of the one of the streets adjacent to the canal.

A portrait shot of the Anne Frank museum (Anne Franks house during WWII)

Color. We just missed the last entry to the Anne Frank museum, Anne Frank House. I seem to remember loading a new roll of film in the camera just to get a shot of this.

A  view over the corner of one of Amsterdam's many harbours/bodies of water

Walking over Zuiderzeeweg bridge back to Camp Zeeburg, the view of one of Amsterdam’s many bodies of water at dusk.

A shot from the entrance of Camp Zeeburg of the Zuiderzeeweg bridge and river over which it passes

Taken from the entrance of Camp Zeeburg. Zuiderzeeweg bridge passing over the canal, Mond vet Het Amsterdam-Rijnkanaal.