A grim, artistic, sculptural portrayal of a line of people in a line to the gas chamber

Intentionally quite under-exposed. Reflective of the dark history of the building.

A photo of the external courtyard of Dachau Concentration Camp

Dachau Concentration Camp’s main courtyard.

A photo of the courtyard where the fence poles still remain serparating the head quarters from Dachau Concentration Camp's barracks

Remains of Dachau Concentration Camp’s fence in the foreground and barracks in the background.

A photo of a cane strapped to the top of a wooden presentation table

I felt this exhibit was slightly more upsetting than the rest of Dachau’s museum. If I recall correctly this was an actual cane used when the concentration camp was in operation.

A grim, artistic, sculptural portrayal of a line of people in a line to the gas chamber

This sculpture, called The March of Death, portrays prisoners of the concentration camp in line for the gas chamber. Whilst being quite upsetting, I found this to be the most powerful peice of art in the museum. The slightly deformed, mishapen nature of the people as well as the texture of the metal make this peice feel very grim reflecting the awful historical nature of the subject.